If you have been in the insurance business for any length of time, you will no doubt have had an encounter with an insurance agency. It could be a referral from a friend, a client or even an insurance agent. If you have not dealt with an insurance agency before, there are a few guidelines that may make your experience a bit easier. Here are some tips to help you decide how to conduct your business with an insurance agency. Insurance agents can come in many different forms. They can be brokers or salespersons, independent sales persons, or part of a large retail shop. An insurance agency is any entity that sells or tries to sell insurance policies. For example, you might find an insurance agency at a large retail store. However, an independent agent is likely to be located in a small office in the basement of an office building. The insurance agency serves as the middleman between the insurance company and the customer. Get more info on non owner sr-22. The insurance company sells the policies to the insurance agency and the agency sells the policies to the customers. The policies are written for the customers by the agents and the coverage is purchased through the company or underwritten by the agency. The insurance company pays a commission to the agent who writes the policies. There are two types of agents who purchase insurance policies. These agents are known as independent or captive. The agents who write the insurance policies for the companies they represent are called captive agents. These agents work for only one company. They will not sell policies to their own clients. They will not sell policies to companies that do not offer insurance policies. An independent agent works for an insurance company and represents several clients. They will not work for just one carrier. Get more info on non owner sr22. When an individual requests a quote, the agent receives multiple quotes from many different companies and chooses the best coverage for their client. They represent the company and work to get the best coverage for the best price. There are three types of insurance plans offered by an insurance agency. The most common type of plan is the Standard or Group Insurance Plan. This plan is usually guaranteed by a specific carrier. Another type of insurance plan is the Indemnity Plan. This plan is usually not guaranteed by a carrier, but the client is still protected. A third type of plan is the Preferred Provider Network Plan. Learn more from https://www.britannica.com/topic/motor-vehicle-insurance.